I am Marco Bramucci, an analyst-programmer and webmaster.

I started working as a computer programmer in 1998. For more than 10 years I have developed banking software working as consultant for Banca d’Italia, Banca di Credito Cooperativo, Poste Italiane, Banca Antonveneta and other companies such as Consip and Sogei.

In 2013 I began developing websites and blogs with WordPress also dealing with web writing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Web Usability.

Now I’m working as a consultant for Unicredit Bank.



Object Oriented Analysis. UML, Domain Model, Data Model. Use Case, Class and Sequence Diagrams. Enterprise Architect.

Java EE: Servlet, JSP, EL, JDBC. Maven. Pattern MVC.
HTLM5, CSS3, Bootstrap, W3.CSS, Javascript, JQueryUI.
NetBeans, Eclipse. Linux, Xampp, FileZilla. PHP 5.3+.
CMS: WordPerss and WooCommerce. PayPal payments. SEO, user experience, web usability, web writing.

IBM Z/0S, Tso-Ispf. COBOL-CICS-SQL (DB2/Oracle). JCL. Easytrieve.
Sequential Dataset, VSAM. IBM’s MQSeries (programming).
Charisma-Grappa, Changeman, Elips, Endevor. Smartest, Intertest, CEDF. $AVRS, Insync, Fileaid, IBM File Manager.

MySQL 5.6+: DB design (Entity Relationship model). DDL, DML, stored procedures, functions, triggers, events. PhpMyAdmin, Mysql Workbench.
Oracle 11: DDL, DML. Pl/SQL (stored procedures). Toad, SqlDeveloper.
DB2: DDL, DML. Qmf, Spufi, Qmf for Windows. Stored Procedures.

Other software/skills: Windows 10 and previous versions. Microsoft Office, LibreOffice. Remedy. Photoshop.

Italian: mother tongue.
Englishproficiency Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, European Level C2.

Linkedin profile.